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Murashige & Skoog Medium with MES Buffer and Vitamins, 245 Grams of Powder, Makes 50 Liters of Solution

Price$ 84.75
You Save$ 365.25
  • SKU: M70800-50.0
  • Pack Size: Makes 50 L
Murashige & Skoog Medium with MES Buffer and Vitamins, 245 Grams of Powder, Makes 50 Liters of Solution



Basal salt mixture containing micro and macro elements with vitamins as described by Murashige and Skoog (1969). MES buffer 50 mg/L added to prevent acidification during cultivation. Supplied as powder.

  • Concentration: 4905.19 mg/L
  • Hygroscopic

0.6 lbs

2.50 x 4.50 x 2.50

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
  • Potassium Nitrate: 1900.00 mg/l
  • Ammonium Nitrate: 1650.00 mg/l
  • Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate: 170.00 mg/l
  • Magnesium Sulfate Anhydrous: 180.54 mg/l
  • MS Micro Elements: 69.53 mg/l
  • MS Vitamin mixture: 103.10 mg/l
  • Calcium Chloride Anhydrous: 322.02 mg/l
  • MES Buffer: 500.00 mg/l
  • BSE/TSE Free: BSE/TSE Free
  • Country of Origin: Report

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