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Terrific Broth Modified 500ml Capsules, 50 Capsules of 24 Grams, 1.2 Kilograms

Price$ 217.50
  • SKU: T15050-1200.0
  • Pack Size: 1.2 KG

Frequently Bought Together

Total price: $ 598.00

This item: Terrific Broth, Capsules, 1.2 KG $ 217.50

Lennox Broth, 20G Capsules, 1 KG $ 190.25

Miller's LB Broth, 25G Capsules, 1 KG $ 190.25

Terrific Broth Modified 500ml Capsules, 50 Capsules of 24 Grams, 1.2 Kilograms

91079-40-2; 8013-01-2; 7778-77-0; 7758-11-4


Room Temperature

Terrific Broth formulation packaged in easy to use 24 gram capsules. Formulation from powder.

Add 1 capsule per 500ml of water. Heat and stir until capsules are completely dissolved. Add 2ml of glycerol to mixture. Sterilize by autoclaving for 15 minutes.


Casein Digest Peptone: 12 g/L
Yeast Extract: 24 g/L
Dipotassium Phosphate: 9.4 g/L
Potassium Phosphate: 2.2 g/L

3.2 lbs

5.00 x 10.00 x 5.00

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
  • Appearance: Water soluble gelatin capsules containing cream to beige free flowing powder.
  • Appearance of Solution: Prepared medium is light to medium amber and clear
  • pH (4.76% solution at 25°C): 7.0 - 7.4
  • Microorganism (E. coli ATCC 23724): Good to Excellent
  • Microorganism (E. coli ATCC 33694): Good to Excellent
  • Microorganism (E. coli ATCC 33849): Good to Excellent
  • Microorganism (E. coli ATCC 39403): Good to Excellent
  • Microorganism (E. coli ATCC 47014): Good to Excellent
  • Yeast Extract: 24.0 g/L
  • Casein Peptone: 12.0 g/L
  • Potassium phosphate dibasic: 9.4 g/L
  • Potassium phosphate monobasic: 2.2 g/L
  • Direction (Preparation): Add 2 capsules to one liter of purified water until evenly dispersed. Add 4ml of Glycerol to the mixture. Boil for one minute with stirring to completely dissolve. Distribute and autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.

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