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Lab Armor Chill Bucket with Beads and 2 Chill Packs, 1 Package

Price$ 728.00
  • SKU: 299701
  • Pack Size: 1 PK
Lab Armor Chill Bucket with Beads and 2 Chill Packs, 1 Package

This innovative chill bucket, with lid and bead bag, keeps samples at -20°C to +8°C for up to eight hours while on a benchtop. Supplied with 2 liters thermal beads and chill packs that eliminate ice and maintain a dry and clean environment. Beads also keep tubes and vessels in place without use of racks.

12.5 lbs

13.00 x 7.00 x 11.00

  1. Chills without ice
  2. Eliminates mess
  3. Keeps samples cold for up to 8 hours

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