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EchoTherm Orbital Chilling/Heating Dry Bath, Non-Programmable

Price$ 3,535.50
  • SKU: 348252
  • Pack Size: 1 EA
EchoTherm Orbital Chilling/Heating Dry Bath, Non-Programmable

The ideal benchtop tool for all Molecular Biology applications. This compact digital dry bath provides quick and accurate chilling or heating from -10°C to 100° and orbital mixing from 200 to 1000 rpm. Solid state electronics and Peltier design provides the highest reliability and energy efficient performance. Offered in both programmable and non-programmable models. The programmable unit stores up to five programs with 10 steps per program. Programs can be automatically repeated 1 to 99 times. Built in data logger stores 7825 data points collectable in 1 second, or 1 and 5 minute intervals. The non-programmable model also includes a built-in data logger with 8110 data point capability.

36 lbs

20.00 x 20.00 x 20.00

Features a built-in RS232 I/0 port for data recording
30 day timer with alarm and auto-off
Electronic calibration
A variety of heating/chilling blocks are available
Dimensions: 7.75 x 14.5 x 4.25 inches
Weight: 24 pounds + Power Supply: 12 pounds
Electrical Requirements: 120/260 VAC, 50-60Hz
UL, CSA and CE Compliant

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