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EZ RNA Methylation Kit, 200 Preps

Price$ 688.46
  • SKU: ZR5002
  • Pack Size: 200 Preps
EZ RNA Methylation Kit, 200 Preps

Room Temperature

The EZ RNA Methylation Kit features rapid and reliable bisulfite conversion of cytosines in RNA for methylation analysis. The kit streamlines the three-step process for complete conversion of cytosine in into uracil. RNA denaturation and bisulfite conversion processes are combined into a single step. No buffer preparation is necessary. The RNA Conversion Reagent is provided ready-to-use: simply add the reagent to an RNA sample and incubate as indicated. The innovative in-column desulphonation technology eliminates messy precipitation steps, ensuring researchers obtain consistent results. The product has been designed to minimize template degradation, loss of RNA during treatment and clean-up, and to provide complete conversion of cytosine for accurate methylation analysis. Recovered RNA is ideal for RT-PCR, sequencing, library preparation and Next-Gen sequencing.

Specifically optimized for complete conversion of non-methylated cytosines in RNA.
Ideal for all RNA inputs.
Complete conversion of RNA in as little as 1 hour.

2.1 lbs

9.00 x 6.50 x 6.00

Conversion: > 99%
Elution Volume: ≥ 10 µl
Equipment: Thermocycler with heated lid and microcentrifuge.
Input: 0.5 - 1 µg of RNA.
Processing Time: 50 Minutes
Purity: Purified, converted RNA is of high quality and is well suited for PCR amplification for downstream analyses including endonuclease digestion, sequencing, microarrays, etc.
Recovery: > 80%

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