Room Temperature
The Quick-RNA Whole Blood kit utilizes DNA/RNA Shield, a unique preservation and lysis technology, to enable rapid isolation of total RNA from whole or partitioned blood or a cell pellet (after red blood cell lysis). The procedure uses Zymo-Spin column technology in which the sample is pre-filtered on the Zymo-Spin IIICG Column and then purified and concentrated on the Zymo-Spin IC Column. RNA is eluted into ≥ 6 µl of RNase-free water and is ready for any downstream application including RT-PCR, sequencing, etc.
Superior Yields: Recover total RNA (including small/micro RNAs) without sample loss.
Protection: Worry-free blood sample storage at ambient temperatures for up to 30 days.
High-Quality: RNA is ready for all downstream applications including Next-Gen Sequencing, RT-PCR, etc. DNase I Included.
1.6 lbs
9.00 x 6.50 x 6.00